Thursday, November 21, 2013

Caramel Apples Just Because

Sad to say, I have not baked anything as of late. A shame given that November is the month of Thanksgiving and I should be testing pie recipes (oh trust me, they're coming). But this morning I had the opportunity to make caramel apples for a potluck at work, which is not exactly baking but is most certainly fall inspired.

Yes, I've made them before, so I won't post the recipe again here (you can always check out the above link for detailed instructions), but I did want to share a few photos of this latest attempt just because caramel apples make me happy. And I didn't want to go too long without posting something. And I did make them in my own kitchen so that counts, right?

In this variation I also tried pecan "chips" (easier to find at the grocery store) instead of just chopped peanuts and almonds (difficult to chop yourself if you're a small person who does not own a food processor). I think they turned out quite tasty, and my coworkers called them "works of art."

Pro tip--when your caramel gets down to the bottom and isn't enough to cover a whole apple, throw the rest of your nuts in the pot, stir, and spoon out onto parchment paper to make little candies! (Refrigerate for at least an hour so they firm up nicely, but take out of the fridge to thaw a few minutes before biting. Trust me, you don't want to hurt your teeth).

Now to prep for plenty of pies!